Mesquite Repulicans Oct 12 Rally

Great turnout to meet Mayor John Lee, candidate for US Congress CD 4; Amy Brown standing in for Sam Brown for US Senate; Randy Laub for Overton Power District; DE Shackelford standing in for Ronald Shackelford,  Candidate for Mesquite City Council Seat 2; Jesse Whipple for Mesquite Mayor; and me, Wes Boger, seeking reelection to City Council Seat 5!

I also got to say a few words about the importance of electing Lydia Dominguez for CCSD Trustee Seat B, who could not be there.

Thank you Mesquite Republican Women Club for putting together another fun event!

Special thanks to the folks who turned out wearing my campaign T Shirts, including Steve Clutterham, former candidate for Mesquite City Council; former Councilwoman Cindi Delaney; and current Mesquite Mayor Pro-Tem Pattie Gallo!