Housing Availability

The increase in the cost of real estate and rent has outpaced wage growth in this City.  The City of Mesquite is actively pursuing ways to bring more housing options and availability for our workforce.

Without housing for the workforce, we cannot have the services a city like ours requires. Besides cutting "red tape", the City owns several parcels that can be utilized for this purpose.   However, there is a place for everything.  For example, I was the only Councilor who voted against selling heavily discounted City-owned land for an apartment complex on the corner of Falcon Ridge and Hardy Way, in favor of a more residential location.  This is prime commercial real estate, perfect for amenities near Sun City and the Sports and Event Complex. Ultimately,  the developer could not get funding for this project. The good news is one of these parcels has been sold to a commercial developer, who desires to build a small restaurant and other amenities there!

In other parts of town, I have brought two different developers to Mesquite to build apartments so teachers, retail workers, professionals, etc, have a place to live.  One of those developments is complete, and the other should be breaking ground in the next several months.